I Am My Own Boss

It’s National Boss’s Day.

When I heard that, I immediately thought, “How funny. I am my own boss.” I have every C title in my company: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Fun Officer, Chief Appreciation Officer – the list goes on and on.

How lucky am I? I mean, really, how lucky am I? I tell people all the time that I wouldn’t trade the last two and a half years for anything. I’ve learned more about myself, about people, and business than I ever thought I would. I’ve made dozens of new friends, each of them has taught me something wondrous and new.

Everyone I meet changes my perspective on emotional intelligence, professional speaking, and the world. I look at this way – every day it’s like I get to try on a new pair of glasses. I get to see the world through different lenses. It’s never the same from day to day. Likewise, the world gets to see me, new and fresh, and how I look wearing my new glasses.

Everyone I meet changes my perspective on emotional intelligence, professional speaking, and the world.

I don’t change that much, but the world sees a slightly different me every day. Why? Everyone I meet, everything I read, and everything I experience changes me somewhat from the day before.

I am blessed to have been given a chance to be my own boss for 856 days. My wife, partner, and best friend Anne said, “Go do what you were meant to do.” I haven’t looked back since. Here’s to me and everyone who is their own boss.

Being my own boss has its shares of up and downs, but wow, there have been way more positive experiences than I imagined. The most important lesson I have learned is to lean in and embrace and work through challenges. Examples for me are setting goals, having a plan, budgeting, and saying “no,” and executing.

And making the most of my day.

I’ve learned to ask for help realizing I can’t do it all myself. I’ve given myself permission to fail… and succeed. I consistently remind myself that progress is more important than perfection.

I surround myself with people who appreciate me for me. I immerse myself in experiences with people who allow me to shower them with appreciation, gratitude, and love.

Here’s to me and everyone who is their own boss.

So, in my office, I’m going to celebrate Boss’s Day by letting my boss know he’s one hell of a guy, a great listener and someone I want to get to know. Of course, I’m going to give him a man hug and let him know how much I appreciate him. I’ll ask permission to touch him. I don’t want to run the risk of creating an uncomfortable work environment.